zaterdag 11 juni 2016

Postcrossing bericht voor Laura, Giustin en Yara

Wij doen in de klas aan postcrossing. We versturen kaarten naar adressen, verspreid over de hele wereld! De kinderen vertellen iets over zichzelf en onze school.

Dit is nog eens een leuke reactie voor Yara, Giustin en Laura van Oriane uit Frankrijk!

“Hello! Thanks for your amazing postcard! It's cool to have your picture!
I like "7 years old", "faded" and "short me down" too, but my favorite is Yara's song ;)
About movie, I just know "lion king" and I cry every times I watch it, and unfortunatly, I can't find "Jhoni Inklis" on internet... sorry Giustin...Laura, I have a little brother who loves "mama and chucky" too!
You should watch "Petter Pan"! It's one of my favorite cartoon, and also "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"!
Have a nice day! Bye! Oriane''

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